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1.         In what proportion must rice at Rs. 3.10 per kg be mixed with rice at Rs. 3.60 per kg, so that the mixture be worth Rs. 3.25 a kg ?

(A) 4 : 3                    

(B) 3 : 4                     

(C) 3 : 7                     

(D) 7 : 3


2.         How many kg of salt at Rs. 42 per kg must a man mix with 25 kg of salt at Rs. 24 per kg so that he may, on selling the mixture at Rs. 40 per kg, gain 25% on the outlay ?

(A) 20 kg                  

(B) 12.5 kg               

(C) 16 kg                   



3.         A mixture of certain quantity if milk with 16 ltr. Of water is worth 90 paisa per ltr. If pure milk will be worth Rs. 1.08 per ltr., how much milk is there in the mixture ?

(A) 60 ltr                   

(B) 80 ltr                   

(C) 160 ltr                 

(D) 64 ltr


4.         In what proportion must water be mixed with sprit to gain 16% by selling it at cost price?

(A) 1 : 3                    

(B) 6 : 7                     

(C) 1 : 7                     

(D) 1 : 6


5.         In what proportion may three kinds of wheat at Rs. 1.27, Rs. 1.29, Rs. 1.32 per kg be mixed to produce mixture worth Rs. 1.30 per kg ?

(A) 1 : 3 : 2               

(B) 2 : 3 : 4               

(C) 1 : 1 : 2               

(D) 2 : 3 : 6


6.         In what ratio must a person mix three kinds of wheat costing him Rs. 1.20, Rs. 1.44 and Rs. 1.74 per kg, so that the mixture may be worth Rs. 1.41 per kg ?

(A) 6 : 3 : 7               

(B) 12 : 7 : 7             

(C) 10 : 7 : 5             

(D) 12 : 6 : 7


7.         Milk and water are mixed in a vessel A in the proportion 5 : 2, and  in vessel B in the proportion 8 : 5. In what proportion should quantities be taken from the two vessels so as to form a mixture in which milk and water will be in the proportion of 9 : 4 ?

(A) 7 : 2                    

(B) 6 : 5                     

(C) 3 : 1                     

(D) 5 : 2


8.         A goldsmith has two quantities of gold, one of 12 carats and another 16 carats purity. In what proportion should he mix both to make an ornament of 15 carats purity ?

(A) 1 : 3                    

(B) 2 : 6                     

(C) 1 : 2                     

(D) 1 : 4


9.         300 gm of sugar solution has 40% sugar in it. How much sugar should be added to make it 50% in the solution ?

(A) 30 gm                 

(B) 150 gm               

(C) 60 gm                  

(D) 100 gm


10.       There are 65 students in a class. 39 rupees are distributed among them so that each boy get 80 P and girl get 30 P. Find the number of boys in that class?

(A) 36                        

(B) 39                        

(C) 40                        

(D) 26


11.       A person has a chemical of Rs. 25/litre. In what ratio should water be mixed in that chemical so that after selling the mixture at Rs.20/litre he may get a profit of 25% ?

(A) 11 : 5                  

(B) 16 : 7                  

(C) 15 : 7                  

(D) 16 : 9


12.       A person travels 285 km in 6 hours in two stages. In the first part of journey, he travel by bus at the speed of 40 km/hrs. In the second part of the journey, he travel by train at the speed of 55 km/hrs. how much distance did he travel by train ?

(A) 122 km               

(B) 160 km               

(C) 142.5 km            

(D) 185 km


13.       In what ratio should milk and water be mixed so that after selling the mixture at the cost price  a profit of 16% is made ?

(A) 1 : 3                    

(B) 6 : 11                  

(C) 1 : 7                     

(D) 1 : 6


14.       In what ratio should water and wine be mixed so that after selling the mixture at the cost price a profit of 20% is made ?

(A) 1 : 5                    

(B) 2 : 5                     

(C) 1 : 6                     

(D) 3 : 5


15.       A trader has 50 kg of pulses,  part of which he sell at 8% profit and the rest at 18% profit. He gains 14 % on the whole. What is the quantity sold at 18% ?

(A) 15 kg                  

(B) 20 kg                   

(C) 30 kg                   

(D) 36 kg


16.       A trader has 50 kg of rice,  part of which he sell at 10% profit and the rest at 5% loss. He gains 7% on the whole. What is the quantity sold at 5% loss ?

(A) 15 kg                  

(B) 10 kg                   

(C) 30 kg                   

(D) 40 kg


17.       Meera’s expenditure and saving are in the ratio 3 : 2. Her income increase by 10%. Her expenditure also increases by 12%. By how many % does her saving increase ?

(A) 15 %                   

(B) 7%                       

(C) 10%                    

(D) 5%


18.       A vessel of 80 litre is filled with milk and water. 70% of milk and 30% of water is taken out of the vessel. It is found that the vessel is vacated by 55%. Find the initial quantity of milk and water ?

(A) 50 & 30 litre      

(B) 60 & 20 litre      

(C) 45 & 35 litre      

(D) 55 & 25 litre


19.       A container contained 80 kg of milk. From this container, 8 kg of milk was taken out and replaced by water. This process was further repeated two times. How much milk is now contained by the container ?

(A) 50 kg                  

(B) 58.32 kg             

(C) 60.5 kg               

(D) 46.75 kg


20.       A mixture of 40 litre of milk and water contains 10% water. How much water must be added to make 20% water in the new mixture ?

(A) 10 litre               

(B) 20 litre                

(C) 5 litre                  

(D) 8 litre


21.       A jar contains a mixture of two liquid A and B in the ratio 4 : 1. When 10 litre of the mixture is taken out and 10 litre of liquid B is poured in to the jar, the ratio becomes 2 : 3. How many litres of liquid A was contained in the jar ?

(A) 10 litre               

(B) 20 litre                

(C) 16 litre                

(D) 26 litre


22.       729 litres of a mixture contains milk and water in the ratio 7 : 2. How much water is to be added to get a new mixture containing milk and water in the ratio 7 : 3 ?

(A) 50 litre               

(B) 60 litre                

(C) 61 litre                

(D) 81 litre


23.       A man buys two horse foe Rs. 1350 and sells one so as to loss 6% and the other so as to gain 7.5% and on the whole he neither gains nor loss. What does each horse cost ?

(A) Rs.750 & 600    

(B) Rs.700 & 650    

(C) Rs.800 & 550    

(D) Rs.550 & 800

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