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1.         Find the simple interest on Rs. 400 for five year at the rate of 6 percent per annum?

(A) 240                       

(B) 120                       

(C) 80                         

(D) 200           


2.         Find the simple interest on Rs. 306.25 from March 3rd to July 27th at the rate of 3 % per annum?

(A) 4.6                        

(B) 12                         

(C) 8                           

(D) 6.4


3.         What sum of money will produce Rs. 143 interest in 3  year at the rate of 2 % simple interest?

(A) 1660                     

(B) 1700                     

(C) 1860                     

(D) 1760


4.         A sum of Rs.468.75 was lent out at simple interest and at the end of 1 year 8 months the total amount was Rs.500. Find the rate of interest percent per annum?

(A) 5%                                   

(B) 6%                        

(C) 4%                        

(D) CND        


5.         A lent Rs. 600 to B for 2 years, and  Rs. 150 to C for 4 years and received altogether Rs.90 from both as interest. Find the rate of interest, simple interest being calculated?

(A) 4%                                   

(B) 5%                        

(C) 7%                        

(D) None of these      


6.         In what time will Rs.8500 amount to Rs.15767.50 at the rate of 4 % per annum?

(A) 19 years               

(B) 20 years                

(C) 18 years                

(D) 15 years   


7.         The simple interest on a sum of money is th of the principal, and the number of years is equal to the rate percent per annum. Find the rate percent?

(A) 3.5%                    

(B) 3 %                     

(C) 2 %                     

(D) 2%           


8.         What annual payment will discharge a debt of Rs.848 in 4 years at the rate of 4 % per annum?


(B) 150                       

(C) 200                       

(D) CND        


9.         The annual payment of Rs.80 in 5 years at the rate of 5% per annum simple interest will discharge a debt of __________?

 (A) 400                       

(B) 450                       

(C) 500                       

(D) 440           


10.       The rate of interest for the first 2 years is 3% per annum, for the next 3 years is 8% per annum and for the next period beyond 5 years 10% per annum. If a man gets Rs.1520 as a simple interest for 6 years, how much money did he deposit?

(A) 3800                     

(B) 3600                     

(C) 3750                     

(D) 2800         


11.       A sum of Rs. 800 amounts to Rs. 920 in 3 years at simple interest. If the rate of interest is increased by 3%. What is the new simple interest?

(A) 198                       

(B) 192                       

(C) 196                       

(D) 200           


12.       Simple interest on a sum of money for 1 year is Rs.400 and the compound interest on the same sum at the same rate of two years is Rs.850. What will be the compound amount at the end of two years on the principal amount?

(A) Rs.4050               

(B) Rs.3200                

(C) Rs.3600                

(D) Rs.5850   


13.       A sum of money doubles itself in 10 years at simple interest. What is the rate of interest?

(A) 11 %                    

(B) 9 %                     

(C) 10%                      

(D) 8%


14.       In what time does a some of money become four times at the simple interest rate of 5% per annum?

(A) 60 years               

(B) 30 years                

(C) 15 years                

(D) 20 years


15.       Divide Rs.2379 into three parts so that their amounts after 2, 3 and 4 year respectively may be equal, the rate of interest being 5% per annum. What is the 2nd part?

(A) 800                       

(B) 806                       

(C) 762                       

(D) Rs.792


16.       A sum was put at SI at a certain rate for 2 years. Had it been put at 3% higher rate, if would have fetched Rs300 more. Find he sum?

(A) Rs.4000               

(B) Rs.5000                

(C) Rs.6000                

(D) Rs.5500


17.       Rs.4000 is divided in two parts such that if one one part be invested 3% and the other at 5%, the annual interest from both the investments is Rs.144. Find the 2nd part?

(A) Rs.1350               

(B) Rs.1000                

(C) Rs.1200                

(D) Rs.1600


18.       A sum of Rs. 2600 is lent out in two parts in such a way that the interest on one part at 10% for 5 years is equal to that on another part at 9% for 6 years. Find the two sums?

(A) Rs.1450 & Rs.1250     

(B) Rs.1450 & Rs.1150         

(C) Rs.1050 & Rs.1550

(D) Rs.1350 & Rs.1250


19.       A certain sum of money amounts to Rs.2613 in 6 years at the rate of 5% per annum. In how many years will at amount to Rs. 3015 at the same rate?

(A) 10 years               

(B) 12 years                

(C) 15 years                

(D) 8 years


20.       The simple interest on Rs.1600 will be less than the interest on Rs.1800 at the rate of 4% simple interested by Rs.30. Find the time?

(A) 3 years                 

(B) 4 years                  

(C) 4 years               

(D) 5 years


21.       The difference between the interest received from two different banks on R.500 for 2 years is Rs.2.5. Find the difference between their rates?

(A) 1%                                   

(B) 1.25%                   

(C) .75%                     

(D) .25%


22.       Two equal amount of money are deposited in two banks each at 15% per annum for 3.5 years and 5 years respectively. If the difference between their interest is Rs.144, find each sum?

(A) 600                       

(B) 640                       

(C) 700                       

(D) 760


23.       The simple interest on a certain sum of money at 4% per annum for 4 years is Rs.80 more than the interest on the same sum for 3 years at 5% per annum. Find the sum?

(A) 8000                     

(B) 9000                     

(C) 10000                   

(D) 12000


24.       Some amount out of Rs.7000 was lent at 6% per annum and the remaining at 4% per annum. If the total simple interest from both the fraction in 5 yrs was Rs.1600, find the sum lent at 6% per annum?

(A) 5000                     

(B) 2800                     

(C) 2000                     

(D) 3000


25.       A sum of money becomes  of itself in 5 yrs at a certain rate of interest. Find the rate % per annum?

(A) 12%                     

(B) 8 %                      

(C) 12.5%                   

(D) 15%

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