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1.         The average age of a class of 39 students is 15 yr. If the age of teacher’s be included, then the average increases by 3 months. Find the age of the teacher?

(A) 27       

(B) 25         

(C) 30           

(D) 35 


2.         The average age of 11 results is 60. If the average of first 6th results is 58 & that of the last 6th is 63, find the sixth result?

(A) 60       

(B) 70         

(C) 66           

(D) 76 


3.         The average marks of Susheel in seven subjects is 68, on leaving Physics marks of rest sixth subjects is 70, then how much marks did he get in physics?

(A) 82       

(B) 74         

(C) 64           

(D) 50 


4.         In a cricket match, the average of 10 players runs is 30. If captain’s runs are added, then average is increase by 3 runs. The runs of captain?

(A) 33        

(B) 60         

(C) 63           

(D) CND  


5.         A person goes to a place at the speed of 40 km/h & return at the speed of 60 km/h. Find the average speed in km/h in whole journey?

(A) 50       

(B) 48         

(C) 52             

(D) CND  


6.         The average age of 11 players of a Cricket team is 20 years. If all the players of opposite  team are also taken, then average Age increases by 3 years. If the age of opposite team's Captain is 36 years, then find the average age of the remaining players of that team?

(A) 26 yr     

(B) 25yr     

(C) 24 yr         

(D) CND 


7.         The average of daily income of A, B and C is Rs. 60. If B earns Rs. 20 more than C and A earns double of what C earns. What is the daily income of C?

(A) Rs. 40    

(B) Rs. 60      

(C) Rs. 75     

(D) Rs. 65 


8.         The average marks of 16 candidates were taken out as 60. But, later it was found that the marks of one candidate were written 55 instead of 87 & the marks of another candidate were written 59 instead of 43. Find the correct average marks? 

(A) 58          

(B) 59            

(C) 63           

(D) 61 


9.         The average weight of 3 men A, B & C is 84 kg. Another man D join the group & the average now becomes 80 kg. If another man E, Whose weight of 3 kg more than that D, replaces A, then the average weight of B, C, D, & E becomes 79 kg. The average weight of A is? 

(A) 70kg        

(B) 72kg       

(C) 75kg        

(D) 80kg 


10.       In an examination a people’s avg. marks were 63 per paper. If he had obtained 20 more  marks for his geography & 2 more marks for his history paper. His average per paper would have been 65. How many paper’s were there in the examination?

(A) 8              

(B) 9             

(C) 10             

(D) 11  


11.       The average age of 35 students in a class is 16 yr. The average age of 21 students is 14 yr.  What is the average of remaining 14 students?

(A) 15           

(B) 17           

(C) 18             

(D) 19 


12.       The average of marks obtained by 120 candidates in a certain examination is 35. If the  average marks of passed candidates are 39 & that of the failed candidates is 15, what is number

of candidates who passed the examination?

(A) 100          

(B) 90           

(C) 75             

(D) 80  


13.       The average age of 8 person in a committee is increased by 2 yrs, when two men aged 35 yrs & 45 yrs are substituted by two women. Find the average of these two woman?

(A) 96            

(B) 40            

(C) 46            

(D) 48  


14.       The average of 11 results is 50. If the average of first 6th is 49 & that of last 6th is 52. Find the 6th result?

(A) 51            

(B) 35            

(C) 56            

(D) 58 


15.       The average age of a family of 6 members is 22 yrs. If the age of the youngest member be 7 yrs, then what was the average age of the family at the birth of youngest member?

(A) 15            

(B) 19            

(C) 18            

(D) 25 


16.       The average age of a group of persons going for picnic is 16 years. Twenty new persons  with an average of 15 years join the group on the spot due to which their average age becomes 15.5 years. The number of persons initially going for picnic is:

(A) 5              

(B) 10           

(C) 20            

(D) 30 


17.       The average of five consecutive numbers is x. If included next three numbers, then what  change in average will be?

(A) 1 increase 

(B) 1.5 increase  

(C) 2 increase 

(D) No change


18.       The captain of a cricket team of 11 members is 26 years old and the wicket keeper is 3  years older. If the ages of these two are excluded, the average age of the remaining players is

one year less than the average age of the whole team, what was the average age of the team?  

(A) 23          

(B) 24          

(C) 25           

(D) 26  


19.       The average temperature of the town in the first four days of a month was 58 degrees, the average for the second, third, fourth and fifth days was 60 degrees. If the temperature of

the first and fifth days were in the ratio 7:8, then what is the temperature on the fifth day?      

(A) 60           

(B) 62           

(C) 64         

(D) 56  


20.       10 years ago, the average age of a family of 4 members was 24 years, two children having been born (with age difference of 2 year) the present average age of the family is the same, the present age of the youngest child is?          

(A) 8               

(B) 3             

(C) 5           

(D) 6 

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