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1.          WOOLLY        =          XNPKMX,                  

             HARROW       =          ?

(1) IZSQPU    

(2) IZSQRV    

(3) IZSQPV     

(4) TZSQPV                

(5) None of these


2.         INDUCEMENT           =          NIUDECEMTN,         

            MANAGEMENT         =          ?

(1) AMANGEEMTN                

(2) AMANEGEMTN                           


(4) AMGEEANMTN         

(5) None of these


3.         PACKAGE      =          CAPKEGA,                

             RAFTING       =          ?




(4) EARTGNT            

(5) None of these


4.         CRIMSON       =          NIRMOSC,                 

             DECORUM     =         ?





(5) None of these


5.         INDUCT          =          RMWFXG,                 

             MATURE        =          ?

(1) NZGFIU    

(2) NZGFIV    

(3) NZCFIV    

(4) NZGEIV                

(5) None of these


6.         NECK              =          14050311,                  

             OLIVE            =          ?

(1) 1512092105            

(2) 1512092205  

(3) 1522092205 

(4) 1512082205              

(5) None of these       


7.         RETAIN          =          185201914,                

             SHINE            =          ?

(1) 1989155    

(2) 1988145    

(3) 1989145    

(4) 1989165                

(5) None of these


8.         SOLACE          =          81215262422,            

             TWANG         =          ?

(1) 74162320  

(2) 74261320  

(3) 74161320  

(4) 74261420              

(5) None of these


9.         WAVE             =          04260522,                  

             ZANY                         =          ?

(1) 01262302  

(2) 01261320  

(3) 01261302  

(4) 10261302              

(5) None of these


10.       SHAKE            =          8091626122,              

             SPAIN                        =          ?

(1) 8012628131                      

(2) 8011618131                      

(3) 8011628213                    

(4) 8011628131                         

(5) None of these


11.       ZCYE              =          472                 

             FOUR                         =          ?

(1) 48              

(2) 408                        

(3) 4800                    

(4) 048                         

(5) None of these


12.       VHUJ              =         183                 

             FAIR               =          ?

(1) 102                          

(2) 104                       

(3) 103                      

(4) 101                         

(5) None of these


13.       BIRTH             =          SGIRY            

             SPEED            =          ?

(1) WUVKI                 

(2) WUULJ                 

(3) VWVKI               

(4) WVVKI                         

(5) None of these


14.       EXCUSE          =          VCXFHV                    

             SALARY        =          ?

(1) WZOZIB               

(2) BIZOZQ                

(3) WNOZIB             

(4) BIONZWON                         

(5) None of these


15.       STAMP            =          VPDIS            

             PREES            =          ?          

(1) SNHOU                 

(2) SNIOV                  

(3) SNHOV               

(4) SNIOU                         

(5) None of these


16.       VIDYASAGAR           =          RSAGAIDYAV                      

             AMALGAMATIONS =          ?

(1) SNOITAMAGLAMA                    

(2) SATIONMMALGAA                    

(3) AGLAMAMSNOITA                  

(4) AMALGASNOITAM                          



17.       KANCHO        =          EVRFFN                     

             BARUNA       =          ?

(1) VVYXLA              

(2) VVVYLZ              

(3) WXVXLA          

(4) VVVXKZ                         

(5) None of these


18.       FAVOUR         =          ECURTV                    

             FOSTER         =          ?

(1) GQTWFV              

(2) EQRWDV             

(3) QEWRVD          

(4) EQRVDU                         

(5) None of these


19.       SCRIPT            =          TCQIQT                     

             DIGEST          =          ?

(1) EIFERT                 

(2) TIFETT                 

(3) EIFETT               

(4) TIHETT                         

(5) None of these


20.       MUNICIPALITY         =          INMUAPCIYTLI                    

             JUDICIAL                  =          ?

(1) IDJULACI             

(2) IDJULAIC             

(3) IDUJLACI          

(4) UJDILACI                         

(5) None of these


21.       SEQUENCE     =          HVJFVMXW              

             CHILDREN    =          ?

(1) MVIWORSX                     

(2) XSRMWIVM                    

(3) XSROWIVM                   

(4) DSRMOWIV                         

(5) None of these


22.       GRAIN            =          FHQSZBHJMO                       

             TEST              =          ?

(1) SUDFTUSU                      

(2) SUDFRTSU                       

(3) SUFDRTSU                     

(4) SUDFSRSU                         

(5) None of these


23.       MARK             =          PQDEUVNO              

             LINK              =          ?

(1) OPKLQSNO                      

(2) OPKLSQNO                      

(3) OPKLQSOP                    

(4) OPLMQRNO                         

(5) None of these


24.       BRIGHT          =          TPB                

             CARIER         =          ?

(1) DAW                     

(2) DIW                      

(3) DAE                    

(4) DRW                         

(5) None of these


25.       KNOWLEDGE            =          256535475     

             GENERAL                  =          ?

(1) 7555193                

(2) 7555931                

(3) 7555913              

(4) 7555139                        

(5) None of these


26.       TOM         =     48                   

             DICK      =     27

             HARRY     =      ?

(1) 80              

(2) 52              

(3) 75            

(4) 70                         

(5) None of these


27.       MANJU           =          52937             

             SHANTHI       =          8129416

             SUJATHA         =           ?

(1) 8732142                

(2) 8732124                

(3) 8732424              

(4) Can’t be determine                         

(5) None of these


28.       RIPPLE            =          613382                       

             LIFE               =          8195

             PILLER             =           ?

(1) 318286                  

(2) 318826                  

(3) 318856                

(4) Can’t be determine             

(5) None of these


Q.(29-33): Study the following in-formation and answer the question given below:

        816321 is means ‘the brown dog frightened the cat’                                                    

        64851 is means ‘the frightened cat ran away’                                                                           

        7621 is means ‘the cat was brown’                                                                                        

        341 is means ‘the dog ran’


29.       What is the code for ‘the dog was frightened’ ?                                                                             (1) 8735          

(2)  8731          

(3)  8263                

(4)  5438              

(5)  None of these      


30.       What is the code for ‘away’? 

(1)  5         

(2)  7                

(3)  6               

(4)  1               

(5)  None of these      


31.       Which word coded by ‘4’ ?

(1)  dog           

(2)  cat            

(3)  away         

(4)  ran                      

(5)  None of these      


32.       What is the code for ‘away’ ?

(1) 5         

(2) 7                

(3) 6               

(4) 1               

(5) None of these      


33.       What is the code for ‘frightened’ ?

(1) 8                

(2) 3                

(3) 6               

(4) 2               

(5) Can’t be determine                                                   

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