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Question based on Ages


1.         The age of the father 3 years ago was 7 times the age of his son. At present, the father’s is five times that of his son. What are the present ages of the father and the son?

(A) 9 & 45 yr         

(B) 12 & 48 yr        

(C) 45 & 9 yr

(D) 12 & 42 yr                       


2.         At present, the age of the father is five times the age of his son. Three years hence, the father’s age would be four times that of his son. Find the present ages of the father and the son?

(A) 12 & 42 yr       

(B) 45 & 9 yr           

(C) 9 & 45 yr        

(D) 12 & 48 yr


3.         Three yrs earlier, the father was 7 times as old as his son. Three yrs hence, the father’s age would be four times that of his son. What are the present ages of the father and the son?

(A) 12 & 48 yr        

(B) 9 & 45 yr           

(C) 12 & 42 yr       

(D) 45 & 9 yr


4.         The age of a man is four times that of his son. 5 yrs ago the man was 9 times as old as his son was at the time. What is the present age of the man?

(A) 27         

(B) 37           

(C) 32             

(D) 22             


5.         The sum of the ages of a mother & her daughter is 50 yrs. Also 5 yrs ago, the mother’s age was 7 times the age of the daughter. What are the present ages of the mother & the daughter?

(A) 40 & 10 yrs      

(B) 10 & 40 yrs       

(C) 32 & 18          

(D) 38 & 12             


6.         The ratio of the father’s age to the son’s age is 4:1. The product of their ages is 196. What will be the ratio of their ages after 5 yrs?

(A) 33 : 11     

(B) 33 : 12       

(C) 4 : 11       

(D) 11 : 4                   


7.         The ratio of Rita’s age to the age of her mother is 3:11. The difference of their ages is 24 yrs. What will be the ratio of their ages after 3 yrs?

(A) 1 : 3         

(B) 2 : 3          

(C) 2 : 5           

(D) 3 : 7                      


8.         A man’s age is 120% of what it was 10 yrs ago, 83  % of what it will be after 10 yrs. What is his present age?

(A) 40            

(B) 50 yrs       

(C) 60              

(D) 75             


9.         Arun is as younger than Bhusan as he older than Anil. If the sum of ages of Anil & Bhusan is 58 yrs, then find the age of Arun?

(A) 39 yrs       

(B) 32 yrs      

(C) 29 yrs        

(D) 31 yrs                   


10.       The ratio between the age of father & his son is 7 : 3, and the multiplication of the age of the both is 756. Then after six yr, what is the ratio between them?

(A) 5 : 7         

(B) 2 : 1         

(C) 5 : 2           

(D) 11 : 7        


11.       The age of the Harsh is 40 yr & Rahul is 60 yr. How year before the ratio of his age

was 3 : 5 ?

(A) 10 yrs       

(B) 20 yrs     

(C) 37 yrs        

(D) 5 yrs         


12.       The present age of the father 3 yr more than the 3 times of son’s age. After 3 yr the age of the father will be 10 yr more than the 2 times of his son. Then what is the present age of the father?

(A) 33 yrs        

(B) 39 yrs       

(C) 45 yrs      

(D) 40 yrs       


13.       Tanya’s grandfather was 8 times older to her age of 16 yr ago. He would be 3 times of her age after 8 yr from now. What was the ratio of Tanya’s age to that of her grandfather eight yr ago?

(A) 1 : 2          

(B) 1 : 5         

(C) 11 : 53       

(D) CND        


14.       A father said to his son, “I was as old as you are at present at the time of your birth”.

If the father’s age is 38 yr now, the son’s age 5 yr back was?

(A) 14 yrs       

(B) 19 yrs        

(C) 18 yrs        

(D) 38 yrs       


15.       Ayesha’s father was 38 yrs of age when she was born while her mother 36 yrs when her brother four yrs younger to her was born. What is the difference between the ages of her parents?

(A) 2 yr            

(B) 4 yr           

(C) 6 yr            

(D) 8 yr          


16.       The present age of Ajay is equal to the sum of the ages of his five children. After 15 years  the sum of the age of his five children will be twice his age. What is the present age of Ajay?

(A) 39 yr         

(B) 35 yr         

(C) 45 yr           

(D) 40 yr         


17.       The sum of ages of the father and his son is 45 years. If 5 years ago the product of their ages was 4 times the father's age at that time, then find the present age of son?

(A) 9 yr            

(B) 3 yr           

(C) 6 yr              

(D) 12 yr         


18.       The ratio of present ages of Rajiv and his son is 5:2. If the product of their age is 640 years, then the age of Rajiv after 10 years will be?

(A) 40 yr          

(B) 45 yr          

(C) 50 yr           

(D) 60 yr         


19.       3 years ago, the age of a person was five times the age of his son. If after 8 years, his age is 8 years more than thrice the age of son, then find the present age of the person?

(A) 68 yr           

(B) 62 yr         

(C) 70 yr           

(D) 78 yr         


20.       The sum of ages of Ajay and Rahul is 48 years. The sum of ages of Rahul and Rakesh is 46 years. If the sum of ages of Ajay and Rakesh is 50 years, then what was Ajay's age, 6 years 


(A) 26 yr          

(B) 20 yr         

(C) 32 yr           

(D) 18 yr         

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