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1.         Three partner A, B and C invest Rs. 1600, Rs. 1800 and Rs. 2300 respectively in business. How should they divide a profit of Rs. 1938?


2.         A, B and C enter into partnership. A advances Rs. 1200 for 4 months, B Rs. 1400 for 8 months and C Rs. 1000 for 10 months. They gain Rs. 585 altogether. Find the share of each?


3          A starts a business with Rs. 2000. B join him after 3 months with Rs. 4000. C puts a sum of Rs. 10,000 in the business for 2 months only. At the end of the year, the business gives a profit of Rs. 5600. How should the profit be divided among them?


4.         A and B enter into a partnership for a year. A contributes Rs. 1500 and B Rs. 2000. After 4 months they admit C, who contributes Rs. 2250. If B withdraws his contribution after 9 months, how would they share a profit of Rs. 900 at the end of the year?


5.         A, B and C enter into partnership. A advances one-fourth of the capital for one-fourth of the time. B contributes one fifth of the capital for half of the time. C contributes the remaining capital for the whole time. How should the divide a profit of Rs. 1140?


6.         A began a business with Rs. 450 and was joined afterwards by B with Rs. 300. When did B join if the profit of the end of the year were divided in the ratio 2 : 1?


7.         A and B rent a pasture for 10 months. A puts in 100 cows for 8 months. How many cows can B put in for the remaining 2 months, if he pays half as much as A?


8.         A and B enter into a partnership with their capitals in the ratio 7 : 9. At the end of 8 months, A withdraws his capital. If they receive the profits in the ratio 8 : 9, find how long B’s capital was used?


9.         A, B and C invested capital in the ratio 5 :6 : 8. At the end of the business term, they received the profit in the ratio 5 : 3 : 12. Find the ratio of time for which they contributed their capitals?


10.       A and B are partners in a business. A contributes 1/4 of the capital for 15 months and B received 2/3 of the profit. For how long B’s money was used ?

(A) 9                          

(B) 10                                   

(C) 12                        

(D) 15


11.       A and B entered into partnership with capitals in the ratio 4 : 5. After 3 months A withdraw 1/4 of his capital and B withdraw 1/5 of his capital. The gain at the end of 10 months was Rs. 760. A’s share in this profit is?

(A) Rs. 330               

(B) Rs. 360               

(C) Rs. 380               

(D) Rs. 430


12.       Two friends P and Q started a business investing in the ratio of 5:6, R joined them after six months investing an amount equal to that of Q’s. At the end of the year 20% profit which was equal to Rs. 98,000. What was the amount invested by R?

(A) 118000               


(C) 115000               

(D) 105000


13.       A and B invest Rs. 3000 and Rs. 4000 in a business. A receives Rs. 10 per months out of the profit as a remuneration for running the business and the rest of profit is divided in proportion to the investments. If in a year ‘A’ totally receives Rs. 390, what does B receive?

(A) Rs. 630               

(B) Rs. 360               

(C) Rs. 480               

(D) Rs. 380


14.       A puts Rs. 768 more in a business than B, but B has invested his capital for 7 months while A has invested his capital for 4 months. If the share of A is Rs. 42 more than that of B, the total profits of Rs. 358, find the capital contributed by B?

(A) Rs. 642               

(B) Rs. 1400             

(C) Rs. 632               

(D) Rs. 462


15.       A, B and C enter into a partnership by investing in the ratio of 3:4:5. After 2 years B invests another Rs. 6000 and C also invests Rs. 12000, At the end of four years, profits are shared in the ratio of 2:3:4, find the initial investment of C was?

(A) 20000                 

(B) 24000                 

(C) 30000                 

(D) 60000


16.       Two partners invest Rs. 125000 and Rs. 85000 respectively in a business and agree that 60% of the profit should be divided equally between them and the remaining profit is to be divided on capital, if one partner gets Rs. 300 more than the other. Find the total profit made in the business?

(A) 4000                   

(B) 3937.5                

(C) 3739.5                

(D) 3150


17.       A and B entered into a partnership, investing Rs. 16000 and Rs. 12000 respectively, After 3 months A withdraw Rs. 5000, while B invested Rs. 5000 more, After 3 months more, C joins the business with a capital of Rs. 21000. After a year they obtained a profit of Rs. 26400, by what value does the share of B exceed the share of C?

(A) 4000                   

(B) 3800                   

(C) 3600                   

(D) 4200


18.       A and B entered into Partnership with Rs. 700 and Rs. 600 respectively, After 3 months A withdrew 2/7 part of his investment, but again after 3 months more he put back 3/5 part of what he had withdrawn, the Profits at the end of the year are Rs. 726, then How much of the share should A receive in the profits?

(A) 363                     

(B) 336                      

(C)  366                     

(D) 333         


19.       A, B and C invested capital in ratio 2:3:4 in a business, if there profit are in ratio 5:4:3, then find there ratio of the time?

(A) 10:12:11            

(B) 30:16:10            

(C) 30:16:9   

(D) Can’t be determined


20.       A, B and C start a business by investing in ratio 1:2:4, After 6 months A increased his capital by 50% and B makes double his investment and C 25% back of his investment, so what is ratio of their profit at the end of the year?

(A) 5:9:10                 

(B) 5:12:14               

(C) 5:6:7                   

(D) 6:9:17

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