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1.         Two pipes can fill a tank in 20 and 24 minutes respectively and a waste pipe can empty 3 gallons per minute. All the three pipes working together can fill the tank in 15 minutes. The capacity of the tank is?

(A) 60 gallons

(B) 100 gallons

(C) 120 gallons

(D) 180 gallons           


2.         Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 15 minutes and 20 minutes respectively. Both the pipes are opened together but after 4 minutes, pipe A turned off. What is the total time required to fill the tank?

(A) 10 min 40 sec.                             

(B) 11 min 40 sec.

(C) 12 min 30 sec.                           

(D) 14 min. 40 sec.     


3.         To pipes A and B can fill a tank in 36 min. and 45 min. respectively. A water pipe C can empty the tank in 30 min. First A and B are opened. After 7 minutes, C is also opened. In how much time, the tank is full?

(A) 39 min.              

(B) 46 min.                 

(C) 63 min. 

(D) 117 min.   


4.         There are 10 filling pipes each capable of filling a cistern alone in 6 minutes and 6 emptying pipes each capable of emptying a cistern alone in 8 minutes. All pipes are opened together and as a result, tank fill 22 litres of water per minutes. Find the capacity of the tank?

(A) 48 ltrs.               

(B) 36 ltrs.                  

(C) 24 ltrs. 

(D) 16 ltrs.      


5.         Three pipes A, B and C can fill a tank in 12 minutes, 16 minutes and 24 minutes respectively. The pipe C is closed 3 minutes before the tank is filled. In what time will the tank be full?

(A) 4 min.                

(B) 8 min.                   

(C) 6 min.

(D) 9 min.       


6.         A cistern has a leak which would empty it in 4 hours. A tap is turned on which admits 3 litres a minute into the cistern, and it is now emptied in 6 hours. How many litres does the cistern hold?

(A) 360 ltr.               

(B) 1080 ltr.                

(C) 2160 ltr.

(D) 2250 ltr.    


7.         One filling pipe A is 4 times faster than second filling pipe B. If A can fill a cistern in 15 minutes, then find the time when the cistern will be full if both fill pipes are opened together?

(A) 10 min.               

(B) 12 min.                 

(C) 15 min.

(D) 14 min.     


8.         One fill pipe A is 3 times faster than second fill pipe B, and takes 24 minutes less than the filling pipe B. When will the cistern be full if both fill pipes are opened together?

(A) 14 min.               

(B) 9 min.                   

(C) 18 min.

(D) 8 min.       


9.         8 tape are fitted to a water tank. Some of them are water taps to fill the tank and the remaining are outlet taps used to empty the tank. Each water tap can fill the tank in 12 hours and each outlet tap can empty it in 36 hours. On opening all the taps, the tank is filled in 3 hours. Find the number of filling of taps?

(A) 5                          

(B) 4                           

(C) 3

(D) 2               


10.       Two fill taps A and B can separately fill a cistern in 45 and 40 minutes respectively. They started to fill a cistern together but filling tap A is turned off after few minutes and filling tap B filled the rest part of cistern in 23 minutes. After how many minutes was tap A turned off?

(A) 9 min.                   

(B) 7 min.                   

(C) 11 min.

(D) 5 min.       


11.       A cistern can be filled by two pipes filling separately in 12 and 16 minutes respectively. Both pipes are opened together for a certain time but being clogged, only 7/8 of full quantity water flows through the former and only 5/6 through the latter pipe. The obstructions, however, being suddenly removed, the cistern is filled in 3 minutes from that moment. How long was it before the full flow began?

(A) 3.5 min.                

(B) 4.5 min.                

(C) 6 min.

(D) 18 min.     


12.       Three pipes A, B and C are attached to a cistern, A can fill it in 10 minutes and B in 15 minutes. C is a waste pipe for emptying it. After opening both the pipes A and B, a man leaves the cistern and returns when the cistern should have been just full. Finding, however, that the waste pipe had been left open, he close it and the cistern now gets filled in 2 minutes. In how much time the pipe C, if opened alone, empty the full cistern?

(A) 16 min.                 

(B) 7 min.                   

(C) 18 min.

(D) 9 min.       


13.       Pipe ‘A’ can fill a tank in 12 hours. Due to development of a leak in the bottom of the tank 1/3rd of the water filled by the pipe ‘A’ leaks out. Find the time when the tank wil be full?

(A) 18 hrs.                  

(B) 16 hrs.                  

(C) 14 hrs.

(D) 20 hrs.      


14.       Two pipes can fill a cistern in 7 and 8 hours respectively. The pipes are opened simultaneously and it is found that due to leakage in the bottom, 16 minutes extra are taken for the cistern to be filled up. If the cistern is full in what time would the leak empty it?

(A) 112 hrs.                

(B) 56 hrs.                  

(C) 84 hrs.

(D) 98 hrs.      


15.       Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 15 hours and 20 hours respectively while a third pipe C can empty the full tank in 25 hours. All the three pipes are opened in the beginning. After 10 hours C is closed. Find the how much time will the tank be full?

(A) 12 hrs.                  

(B) 8 hrs.                    

(C) 10 hrs.

(D) 14 hrs.      


16.       Three pipes A, B and C can fill a cistern in 10 hrs, 12 hrs and 15 hrs respectively. First A was opened and  After 1 hour  B was opened and after 2 hours from the start of A, C was also opened. Find the time in which the cistern in just full?

(A) 5 : 52 min.            

(B) 4 hrs.                    

(C) 2 : 52 min.

(D) 4 : 52 min.


17.       A, B and C are pipes attached to a cistern. A and B can fill it in 20 and 30 minutes respectively, while C can empty it in 15 minutes. If A, B and C be kept open successively for 1 minutes each, how soon will the cistern be filled?

(A) 167 min.               

(B) 160 min.               

(C) 166 min.

(D) 164 min.   


18.       Two Pipes A and B can fill a water tank in 15 and 18 min orderly, another a third pipe is used to empty the tank, both A and B are open for 6 min and then the third pipe is also opened, If the tank is empty in 16.5 min after opening third pipe, then in how much time the third pipe alone can empty the full tank?

(A) 6 min                    

(B) 10 min                  

(C) 12 min

(D) 4 min        


19.       A sink contains exactly 12 litres of water, If water is drained from the sink until it holds exactly 6 litres of water less than the quantity drained away, how many litres of water were drained away?

(A) 2                           

(B) 3                           

(C) 6

(D) 9               


20.       Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 20 and 30 hours respectively, Both the Pipes are opened to fill the tank but when the tank is one-third full, a leak develops in the tank through which one-third water supplied by both pipes goes out, the total time taken to fill the tank is?

(A) 12                         

(B) 14                         

(C) 16

(D) 18             


21.       Three Pipes, P, Q and R can fill a tank in 12, 15 and 20 min respectively; If pipe P is opened all the time and pipe Q and R opened for one min alternatively, the tank will be full?

(A) 5 min.                   

(B) 6 min.                   

(C) 7 min.

(D) 8 min.       


22.       Three pipes A, B and C can fill the tank in 10, 20 and 40 hours respectively, in the beginning all of them are opened simultaneously. After 2 hours tap C is closed and A and B are kept running, After another 4th hours tap B is also closed, the remaining work is done by tap A alone, what is the percentage of the work done by tap A alone?

(A) 50%                      

(B) 60%                      

(C) 65%

(D) 70%                      


23.       A cistern can be filled by a pipe in 3 hours, but a leak is developed at the bottom due to which it takes 3/4 hours more to fill the cistern, find the time taken by the leak to empty the cistern when the cistern is full?

(A) 12 hr.                    

(B) 15 hr.                    

(C) 30 hr.

(D) 60 hr.        

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