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1.         65 % of a number is 21 less than four-fifth of that number. What is the number?

(A) 120         

(B) 150          

(C) 140          

(D) CND 


2.         Difference of two numbers is 1660. If 7.5 % of first number is equal to 12.5 % of the other number. Find the two numbers?

(A) 3490, 4150        

(B) 4150, 3490        

(C) 4150, 2490

(D) CND       


3.         The salary of a person was reduced by 10%. By what percent should his reduced salary be raised so as to bring is at per with his original salary?

(A) 10%        

(B) 9%       

(C) 11%       

(D) 20%  


4.         When the price of a product was decrease by 10%, the number of product sold increased by 30 %. What was the effect on the total revenue?

(A) 20            

(B) 15            

(C) 17            

(D) 23 


5.         If the numerator of a fraction be increased by 15% and its denominator be decrease by 8% the value of the fraction is. Find the original fraction?






6.         The value of a machine depreciates at the rate of 10% per annum. If its present value is Rs. 1, 62,000, What will be its worth after two yr. What was the value of the machine

2 yr. ago?

(A) 176,000    

(B) 200,600      

(C) 200,000  

(D) DIA 


7.         If A’s salary is 20% less than B’s salary, by how much % is B’s salary more than A’s?

(A) 20%        

(B) %      

(C) 25%        

(D) 33%                  


8.         In an examination 35% of total students failed in Hindi, 45% failed in English & 20% in failed both. Find the percentage of those who passed in both the subjects?

(A) 60            

(B) 40            

(C) 20            

(D) CND 


9.         At an election involving two candidates, 68 votes were declared invalid. The winning candidate secures 52% and win by 98 votes. The total number of votes pulled is?

(A) 2382       

(B) 2450         

(C) 2518       

(D) None of these


10.       In a recent survey, 40% houses contains two or more people. Of those houses containing only one person 25% were having only a male. What is the percentage of all houses, which contain exactly one female & no male?

(A) 45           

(B) 35           

(C) 40            

(D) 50   


11.       If 2 liter Of water is evaporated on boiling from 8 liter Of sugar solution containing 5% sugar, Find the percentage of sugar in the new remaining solution?

(A) 7%          

(B) 6%         

(C) 15%        

(D) 6% 


12.       One type of liquid contains 25% of milk; the other contains 30% 0f milk. A cane is filled with 6 part of the first liquid and 4 part of the second liquid. Find the percentage of milk in the new mixture?

(A) 27.5%     

(B) 37%        

(C) 27%        

(D) 32.5%


13.       Due to fall in manpower, the production in a factory decreases by 25%. By what % should the working hour be increased to restore the original production?

(A) 33%      

(B) 20%        

(C) 27%        

(D) 25%  


14.       Two numbers are respectively 20% and 25% more than of a third number. What percentage is the first of the second?

(A) 60%        

(B) 70%        

(C) 75%        

(D) 80%


15.       Two numbers are respectively 30% and 40% less than of a third number. What percentage is the second of the first?

(A) 85%      

(B) 83%       

(C) 66%           

(D) 80%


16.       A man loses 12% of his money, after spending 70% of the remainder, he is left with Rs. 210. How much had he at first?

(A) 1000       

(B) 700          

(C) 900          

(D) 800 


17.       3.5% of income is taken as tax and 12.5% of the remaining is saved. This leaves Rs. 4053 to spend. What is the income?

(A) 4200       

(B) 5600       

(C) 4500         

(D) 4800 


18.       After deducting 10% from a certain sum, and then 20% from the remainder, there is Rs. 3600 left. Find the original sum?

(A) 8100         

(B) 7200       

(C) 6400       

(D) 6300 


19.       If the annual increase in the population of a town is 4% and the present number of people is 15,625, what will be the population be in 3 yrs.?

(A) 17676       

(B) 17576     

(C) 15576     

(D) 16500 


20.       The population of a town is 8000. It increased by 10% during the first yr. and by 20% during the second yr. What is the population after two years?

(A) 10560       

(B) 10650     

(C) 10600     

(D) 10500 


21.       If the price of a commodity be raised by 20%, find how much percent must a

householder reduced his consumption of that commodity so as not to increase his expenditure?

(A) 33%       

(B) 14%       

(C) 16%       

(D) 25% 


22.       If the price of sugar falls by 10%, by how much percent must a householder increase its consumption, so as not to decrease expenditure in this item?

(A) 11%         

(B) 14%       

(C) 9%       

(D) 12.5% 

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