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Ques:-1 Which letter should come 9th to the right of 13th from the left end in alphabetical series   ?

(1)  T    

(2)  V    

(3)  U    

(4)  D     

(5) None of these


Ques:-2 Which letter should come 11th to the left of 20th from the right end in alphabetical series?

(1)  K    

(2)  E    

(3)  J    

(4)  I     

(5) None of these


Ques:-3 Which letter should come 12th to the left of 6th from the right end in alphabetical series   ?

(1)  F    

(2)  I    

(3)  R    

(4)  E     

(5) None of these


Ques:-4 Which letter should come 4th to the right of 8th from the right end in alphabetical series  ?

(1)  W    

(2)   L    

(3)   D    

(4)   V     

(5) None of these


Ques:-5 How many letter are there in between 9th to the left end and 11th to the right end and which letter should come in middle place  ?

(1)  11    

(2)   8    

(3)   7    

(4)   9     

(5) None of these


Ques:-6 If English alphabetical series written in reverse order than which letter should come 8th to the left of 12th from the right end  ?

(1)  T    

(2)  V    

(3)  G    

(4)  D      

(5)  None of these


Ques:-7 If English alphabetical series written in as A=26, B=25, C=24 are written in a certain code till Z=1. Than find the total addition of place value of letter from F to P   ?

(1)   186  

(2)   176  

(3)   121  

(4)   132    

(5)   None of these


Ques:-8 If second half written in reverse order then which letter should come 18th from the right end in alphabetical series  ?

(1)   V    

(2)   R    

(3)   I     

(4)   J      

(5)   None of these


Ques:-9 Which letter should come 9th to the left of 15th from the left end in English alphabetical series ?

(1)   X   

(2)   R    

(3)   F    

(4)   G     

(5)   None of these


Ques:-10 Which letter should come 12th to the right of 17th from the right end in English alphabetical series ?

(1)   W  

(2)   B    

(3)   E    

(4)   V     

(5)   None of these


Ques:-11 Which letter should come 7th to the right of 17th from the left end in English alphabetical series ?

(1)  X  

(2)  W    

(3)  C    

(4)  J     

(5)  None of these


Ques:- 12 Which letter should come 9th to the left of 12th from the right end in English alphabetical series ?


Ques:- 13 Which letter should come at the middle place of 8th from the left end and 16th from the right end in English alphabetical series ?


Ques:- 14 Which letter should come at the middle place of 9th from the right end and 17th from the right end in English alphabetical series ?


Ques:- 15 Which letter should come at the middle place of 16th from the right end and 12th from the left end in English alphabetical series ?


Ques:- 16 How many letters are there in between 15th from the left end and 19th from the right end in English alphabetical series ?


Ques:- 17 How many letters are there in between 7th from the right end and 19th from the right end and which letter should come at the middle place in English alphabetical series ?

Ques:- 18  If, first half written in reverse order and seond half written before first half then which letter should come at the 23rd place from the left end in the new series of English alphabetical series ?


Ques:- (19-23) In English alphabet series. All the vowels are written repeatedly at the alternate place till next vowel will come as example………….

A B A C A D A E F E………………….U X U Y U Z U.

Then answer the question given below on the basis of new questioning series________


Ques:- 19   A, D, F, ?, I, K


Ques:- 20   A=4, E=4, I=6, O=?, U=?


Ques:- 21  If, questioning series are written in reverse order than how many vowels are there in between 10th vowel from left end and 3rd vowel from right end and which letter should come at the middle place of the two vowels ?


Ques:- 22  If, first half of questioning series are written in reverse order than which letter should come at the 35th place from right end ?


Ques:- 23 If, all the vowels putted out from the questioning series and written after the left letters respectively in reverse order  than which letter should come at the 40th place from right end ?

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