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Aptitude & Logical reasoning



1.         A man walks 5 km toward south and then turns to the right. After walking 3 km he turns to the left and walks 5 km. Now in which direction is he from the starting place?

(1) West    

(2) South     

(3) North-East     

(4) South-West       

(5) None of these


2.         One morning Udai and Vishal were talking to each other face to face at a crossing. If Vishal's shadow was exactly to the left of Udai, which direction was Udai facing?   

(1) East     

(2) West      

(3) North            

(4) South                

(5) None of these


3.         A man is facing west. He turns 45 degree in the clockwise direction and then another 180 degree in the same direction and then 270 degree in the anticlockwise direction. Find which direction he is facing now ?

(1) South-West   

(2) West     

(3) South    

(4) South-East        

(5) None of these


4.         Kunal walks 10 km towards North. From there he walks 6 Km towards South. Then, he walks 3 Km towards east. How far and in which direction is he with reference to his starting point ?

(1) 5 Km, North       

(2) 5 Km, South      

(3) 5 Km, East      

(4) 5 Km, North-East          

(5) None of these


5.         Gaurav walks 20 metres towards North. He then turns left and walks 40 metres. He again turns left and walks 20 metres. Further, he moves 20 metres after turning to the right. How far is he from his original position ?

(1) 40 Km        

(2) 50 Km          

(3) 60 Km        

(4) 70 Km        

(5) None of these


6.         A dog runs 20 metre towards East and turns Right, runs 10 metre and turns to right, runs 9 metre and again turns to left, runs 5 metre and then turns to left, runs 12 metre and finally turns to left and runs 6 metre. Now which direction dog is facing ?

(1) East           

(2) North            

(3) West           

(4) South           

(5) None of these


7.         I am facing South. I turn right and walk 20 metre. Then I turn right again and walk 10 metre. Then I turn left and walk 10 metre and then turning right walk 20 metre. Then I turn right again and walk 60 metre. In which direction am I from the starting point ?

(1) North-East   

(2) North-West   

(3) West       

(4) North          

(5) None of these


8.         Rohit walked 25 metres towards South. Then he turned to his left and walked 20 metres. He then turned to his left and walked 25 metres. He again turned to his right and walked 15 metres. At what distance is he from the starting point and in which direction ?

(1) 35 meter, North                   

(2) 30 meter, South                 

(3) 35 meter, East       

(4) 30 meter, North                   

(5) None of these


9.         From his house, Lokesh went 15 km to the North. Then he turned West and covered 10 km. Then he turned South and covered 5 km. Finally, turning to East, he covered 10 km. In which direction is he from his house ?

(1) East        

(2) North        

(3) South          

(4) West              

(5) None of these


10.       Shweta goes towards East 5 km then she takes a turn to South-West and goes 5 km. She again takes a turn towards North-West and goes 5 km with respect to the point from where she started, where is she now ?

(1) In the south-west                    

(2) In the north-west            

(3) In the East                      

(4) At the starting point                

(5) None of these


11.       Rajesh’s school bus is facing North when reaches his school. After starting from Rajesh’s house, It turning twice and then left before reaching the school. What direction the bus facing when it left the bus stop in front of Rajesh’s house?

(1) East           

(2) North        

(3) South             

(4) West          

(5) None of these


12.       Nishitha walks 14 m towards west, then turns to her right and walks 14 m and then turns to her left and walks 10 m. Again turning to her left she walks 14 m .What is the shortest distance between her starting point and the present position?

(1) 14                 

(2) 24               

(3) 34             

(4) 44              

(5) None of these


13.       A man leaves for his office from his house. He walks towards East. After moving a distance of 20 m, he turns South and walks 10 m. Then he walks 35 m towards the West and further 5 m towards the North .He then turns towards East and walks 15 m .What is the straight distance between his initial and final positions?

(1) 0                   

(2) 5                 

(3) 10             

(4) 25             

(5) None of these


14.       A villager went to meet his uncle in another village situated 5 km away in the North-East direction of his own village. From there he came to meet his father-in-law living in a village situated 4 km in the south of his uncle’s village .How far away and in what direction is he now?

(1) 4 km in the East                     

(2) 3 km in the East             

(3) 4 km in the West             

(4) 3 km in the North                  

(5) None of these


 15.      If South-East becomes North, North-East becomes West and so on, what will West become?

(1) North                 

(2) East                 

(3) South-East              

(4) North-West     

(5) None of these


16.       Anil wants to go the university. He starts from his house which is in the East and comes to a crossing. The road to his left ends in a theatre, straight ahead is the hospital. In which direction is the University?

(1) East        

(2) North      

(3) South

(4) West     

(5) None of these


Dir.-: (17-20) Each of the following questions is based on the following information:-

Six flats on a floor in two rows facing North and South are allotted to P, Q, R, S, T and U. Q gets a North facing flat and is not next to S. S and U get diagonally opposite flats. R next to U, gets a south facing flat and T gets North facing flat.


17.       If the flats of P and T are interchanged then whose flat will be next to that of U  ?

(1) P           

(2) Q            

(3) R             

(4) T               

(5) None of these


18.       Which of the following combination get south facing flats ?

(1) QTS     

(2) UPT        

(3) URP       

(4) Data in adequate    

(5) None of these

19.       The flats of which of the other pair than SU, is diagonally opposite to each other ?

(1) QP       

(2) QR          

(3) PT           

(4) TS              

(5) None of these


20.       Whose flat is between Q and S ?

(1) T         

(2) U             

(3) R              

(4) P                

(5) None of these 

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