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Time & Work


1.         A can do a work in 18 days and B in 27 days. If A, B, C jointly finish it in 6 days, how much must C receive as remuneration out of Rs. 981 obtained for finishing the work ?

(A) Rs.436                

(B) Rs.327                

(C) Rs.218                

(D) Rs.109


2.         A alone can do a work in 16 days and B in 12 days .They take turns to do the work, working alternately if A starts the work be finished in --- ?

(A) 12 days              

(B) 13 days               

(C) 13 days             

(D) 13 days


3.         Ram does a work in 4 days while Rahim in 6 days. John works 1.5 times faster than Ram. In how many days can all the thrice jointly finish the work ?

(A) 10 days              

(B) 12 days               

(C) 1  days            

(D) 18 days


4.         A can do a work in 40 days, he worked for 5 days. Then B finishes it in 21 days in how many days can A and B finish it together ?

(A) 10 days              

(B) 12 days               

(C) 15 days               

(D) 18 days  


5.         A can do a work in 18 days but B is 20% more efficient than A. How many days did it take for B to do the work ?

(A) 10 days              

(B) 12 days               

(C) 15 days               

(D) 16 days  


6.         A, B and C can do a work in 20,18 and 30 days respectively. They start working together but A leaves the work after 4 days of starting the work and B after 3 days ,How much total time would it take to complete the work ?

(A) 15 days              

(B) 19 days               

(C) 20 days               

(D) 21 days


7.         If 6 men can do a piece of work in 30 days of 9 hrs each, how many men will it take to do 10 times the amount of work if they work for 25 days of 8 hrs ?

(A) 60                        

(B) 81                        

(C) 63                        

(D) data in-adequate


8.         If 15 men working 8 hours a day can do a work in 21days in how many days can 14 men working 6 hours a day do it ?

(A) 42                        

(B) 20                        

(C) 30                        

(D) 45


9.         16 men do a work in 16 days,  4 days after the work begin 8 more men join them. How many days would it take to complete the work ?

(A) 4                          

(B) 6                          

(C) 8                          

(D) 12


10.       A man or a woman or a boy can do a work in 4, 5 and 20 days respectively. How many boys must work with a man and a woman so that the work may be completed in 1 day.

(A) 8                          

(B) 9                          

(C) 10                        

(D) 11            


11.       If  10 men or 18 boys can do a work in 15 days, find the time taken by 25 men and 15 boys to do thrice the same amount of work ?

(A) 9 days                 

(B) 12 days               

(C) 13.5 days                       

(D) 4.5 days 


12.       Jayant  can do a work in 15 days and Pramod in 12 days .Pramod start the work and 5 days before the work is completed Jayant joins him. How  many days did it take to finish the work ?

(A) 8 days                 

(B) 12 days               

(C) 24 days               

(D) 13 days


13.       If, 2 men and 3 boys can do a work in 8 days and 3 men and 2 boys can do a work in 7 days how much time would 5 men and 4 boys would take to do it ?

(A) 2 days                 

(B) 4 days                 

(C) 3 days     

(D) can't be determined


14.       A fort had provisions for 150 men for 45 days. After 10 days, 25 men left the fort. How long will the food last at the same rate for the remaining men ?

(A) 42                        

(B) 63                        

(C) 50                        

(D) 35


15.       If 30 men working 7 hrs a day can do a piece of work in 18 days, in how many days will 21 men working 8 hrs a day do the same piece of work ?

(A) 26                        

(B) 22                      

(C) 45                        

(D) 30


16.       A can do a piece of work in 12 days. B is 60 % more efficient than A. Find the number of days it takes B to do the same piece of work ?

(A) 15 days              

(B) 10 days               

(C) 9 days                 

(D) 7.5 days


17.       One man adds 3 liters of water to 12 liters of milk and another 4 liters of water to 10 liters of milk. What is the ratio of the strengths of milk in the two mixtures ?

(A) 3 : 2                    

(B) 5 : 4                     

(C) 17 : 14                

(D) 28 : 25


18.       Rs. 425 is divided among 4 men, 5 women and 6 boys such that the share of a man, a women and a boy may be in the ratio of 9 : 8 : 4. What is the share of a woman ?

(A) 34                        

(B) 43                        

(C) 170                      

(D) 17


19.       If 15 men or 24 women or 36 boys do a piece of work in 12 days, working 8 hrs a day, how many men must be associated with 12 woman and 6 boys to another piece of work 2  times as great in 30 days working 6 hrs a day ?

(A) 7                          

(B) 10                        

(C) 8                          

(D) 12


20.       A garrison of 2200 men is provisioned for 16 weeks at the rate of 45 dag per day per man. How many men must leave the garrison so that the same provisions may last 24 weeks at 33 dag per day per man ?

(A) 2000                   

(B) 200                      

(C) 400                      

(D) 150


21.       A and B together can do a piece of work in 6 days and A alone can do it in 9 days. In how many days can B alone do it ?

(A) 18 days               

(B) 20 days               

(C) 15 days               

(D) 36 days


22.       A and B can do apiece of work in 12 days, B and C in 15 days, C and  A in 20 days. How would long B take separately to do the same work ?

(A) 15 days               

(B) 20 days               

(C) 30 days               

(D) 60 days

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